Thursday, 9 May 2013

Mommyhood Updates

Hi everyone...

:D how are you? sorry for the lack of update though i love to do so. all updates always end up unpublish. what to do. i lost my mojo (lost lah sgt. ckp je mls bole?). i have no updates like forever, no? haha...

Okay, now i am stop baking for a while, probably because i have a very little time, and need more rest. I am teaching for an afternoon session which requires me to come home late, and be at school around 11. Plus i never wanted to deal with those who always wanted a cake yg hebat2 and mahu cheapest price.... tak larat. dan tak berbaloi. kehkeh.

anyhoo, i doin well coping with my job... and i started to love my students. i never been go hard on them, but not too soft as they would step onto me. hehehe.

apart of a busy life, i need to share something with all of you. i guess it is a time to let the cat out of the bag. well, this is the reason of why i been so lazy and unwell lately. having a bad back ache, vomiting, and lazyyyy.. haha. can u guess it already? yeah... i am now 2months delayed with my period. and Ariana will be a Kakak soon. I feel grateful for the coming baby. I always  pray to Allah to always be showered with HIS protection.Thank you Allah...

I was in week 5 during this :P
so i am not having a bad morning sickness. well i had it but it's not as worse as my first pregnancy. it is just my body feels like bloating. gomok. gaseous. anddddd heavy. yeah. my baju kurung are all sempit already. especially the sarong. (T_T). i never went for a routine check up yet...

weight, i thought its around 56kg. gosh. last i check my weight is 53kgs and that was on last year. having a back ache and i guess it is because my bones have lost their strength. because my daughter still cant wean off.and i was too lazy to take those calcium pills. energy level, so so. i am lazy and not so energetic as always... cravings, hurm. nothing much... health, okay. emos, not really.. :P

ok thats preety much of ramblings. gotta go and i guess i gonna see u soon :P

p/s: Malacca is now having BBW ! excited!

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