Saturday, 23 February 2013

Breastfeeding Pt2

Ramai yg tanya apa persediaan untuk menjadi BF-mom.
well i dont have a specific answer... tapi bagi ibu yang beginners dan mencari apa yg perlu tahu utk BF, bole cuba baca post ini :)

first thing yg kita perlu lakukan ialah persediaan mental dan psikologi. sebab BF-Mom ini bukan suatu tugas mudah lebih-lebih lagi sebagai seorang wanita bekerjaya. Sebab kena konsisten. kena betul2 tekad dan usaha. kena tanam dalam fikiran aku byk susu dan cukup serta mampu susukan anak aku. unless mmg awal2 dah nak kasi Formula Milk. then go on... 

tp, cuba lah beri ASI selama yg boleh. you cant imagine how much benefit ASI kepada anak kita... 

Persediaan berikutnya ialah ilmu pengetahuan berkenaan Penyusuan SI ni. Lebih2 lagi ibu yg ingin menyusukan anak susuan sekali. memang banyak perlu dipelajari, baik ilmu penyusuan secara fizikal atau dari sudut keagamaan. contohnya dari petikan Hadith,

"indeed, Allah has prohibited (marriage) among suckling relatives, as He has prohibited it among birth (or blood) relatives)"

di dalam juga Islam turut menggalakkan penyusuan susu Ibu.

firman Allah S.w.t:

Para ibu hendaklah menyusukan anak-anaknya selama dua tahun penuh, iaitu bagi yang ingin menyempurnakan penyusuan.
(Al-Baqarah 2:233)

Rasulullah s.a.w juga menegaskan perihal had umur bayi yang disabitkan hukum penyusuan iaitu selama dua tahun sebagaimana hadis baginda yang diriwayatkan oleh al-Tirmizi:

Tidak akan menjadi mahram dari susuan kecuali susuan yang boleh membuka usus (membesarkan pertumbuhan anak) dan penyusuan itu hendaklah sebelum sampai dua tahun.

jgn hentam kromo saja. ilmu penyusuan penting kerana ilmu penjagaan/pengendalian susu perahan yg betul mampu mengekalkan dan membekalkan khasiat di dalam susu itu kepada anak.

Persediaan berikutnya, peralatan-peralatan utk menyimpan stok susu anda bagi ibu-ibu yang bekerja atau PJJ dengan anak. antara persediaan peralatan tersebut ialah:

1) Pam susu - pilihlah mengikut kesesuaian. tidak kira yg elektrik atau manual. Marmet (perah menggunakan tangan) juga salah satu cara memerah susu.
2) storage bottle/ bag - hal ini penting. pilihlah cara penstoran yg sesuai terutama bagi menyelesaikan masalah ruangan. Cara penyimpanan paling efficient adalah menggunakan storage bag, sgt menjimatkan ruang
3) peralatan lain seperti Cooler bag, Ice pack, peti ais, ice box, semua ini adalah bertujuan untuk memindahkan susu perahan dari tempat kerja ke rumah. penting.
4) Milk booster - not necessarily... tp kalau rasa nak jugak, buleh la.
5) lain-lain keperluan aksesori tambahan untuk penyusuan. contoh mcm milk collector.

Persediaan lain, ialah ketahuilah apa sahaja istilah penting dalam dunia penyusuan seperti let down reflex (LDR), Sore nipple, Blocked Duct, rustic pipe syndrome, dan bermacam-macam lagi ;)

ni masa aku kat Kolej. haha. segar dari ladang

Rujukan :  
Ayu Asma Yusuf (2002). Penyusuan Susu Ibu Menurut Perspektif Islam. Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publications & Distributors.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Quickie update

Been Busy...

being a mom, turn into a saviour or a villain at the same time, and sometimes the villain just being a laughing stock for her daughter

went crazy at bakery supply shop, but no money to buy everythng . >_<

browsing for recipe crazily but tried NONE

accidentally hit the gate and do some damage with the newly painted car. pfft!

tease, cry and laugh with sisters

pigging out like crazy at KL for one week and gained Kilograms. then cried like its not my fault.

Read a lot on other stuff regarding parenting and baking.

Waiting for few Drama Series at TV, Walking dead, revenge, Glee, once upon a time. hell

busy to think what to plant. had plant 4, but only two survived. LOL.

busy being a flirt with mr Boyfie. KBAI~

I'm Terrible and a Butter Cake

Hi dolls! Assalamualaikum...

wuhaa, it's been a while my blog filled with silence and sawang-sawang. well, been busy all these while. busy with Butter Shortbread orders, cakes and just family matters, spent a week in KL and just busy being mom.. ahaa... 

i just realize that i rarely took picture of what i had baked for Mr. Boyfie and Baby Ariana. why? dunno.. ahaha. just me being lazy. sorry folks... and i managed to took a photo of Leopard Butter Cake which is a buttercake that i modified with some imagination. KONON! ahaks

I came across my good friend's blog just now, dah lama sgt tak visit blog beliau. skrg aku jrg dah BW kat blog kekawan. ada BW pn just to search for the recipes and you know, i just went on reading some other stuffs, most of it regarding to parenting. as a mom, i've been worried about my daughter's development... their milestones, their activities, diet, and many more...

back to my friend's story, i just knew that she's pregnant! i feel so bad about it...i never wanted to asked whether she's expecting or not. i just waited for the news frm her and waited for her to tell me without asked. ahaha.

*cricket sound*

btw, congratulations N & S...


The Recipes.. hehe, pasti korang tak caya, dari 5 ingredients dpt hasilkan cake yg sedap. Well aerated, fluffy and soft.


Source: Mamafami
Modified by: Me.

5 eggs - i used medium size egg
180 caster sugar - reduced to 150gms
200g self raising flour - sifted - i used unbleached low gluten organic flour + 3/4 tbsp organic alum free Baking Powder, sift together.
250g butter - soften - i used SCS butter. yummy
1/2 teaspoon orange oil - i changed to Vanilla Essence, can also change to Lemon Oil.
chocolate rice - i discard this. just plain
1/2 tbsp cocoa powder - i added
Method :
*preheat your oven 180 degree celcius, lined your baking tray with baking paper and grease with butter or  shortening. i used spring form. just clipped the baking paper between your spring form baking tin and lightly greased with butter. just like the way i used to make chilled cheesecake.

1. Beat Butter and Sugar until soft , white and fluffy
2. Add eggs one at time, after all eggs in, beat with high speed.
3. Turn your mixer to lower speed and add the flour slowly until finished. then add the Vanilla, beat again with high speed.
4. Pour the bater into baking tin, and bake for 40-50 minutes, 170 degree celcius.

senang tak? haha. InsyaAllah coming recipes i will show you the way to make the leopard patterned cake.

Selamat Mencuba!